Law of Attraction: There is No Such Thing as Luck!!

In Russian, when someone is thought to have been particularly lucky in life, there is a saying that translates to “born in a shirt”, meaning the person has had so much luck that they didn’t even need to be given clothes, they were born in them. In fact, many cultures attribute success and abundance to luck.
But is that really true – that the creation of our life is dependent on mere happenstance, being at the right place at the right time? Or are we the deliberate creators of our reality, even if we aren’t always aware of it?
Some say that Law of Attraction sounds far-fetched, but instinctively, don’t we all know that optimists do better in life and that their energy feels better to us?
Whose dating profile says, “Looking for a downer and a complainer for a long-term relationship, optimists need not apply!” Why is that? Because intuitively, we know that the person’s positive thoughts pull on more positive thoughts of our own and as a result, we feel better and do better.
Psychological research indicates that optimists maintain an almost delusional attitude toward reality, refusing to surrender to what is in the here and now, insisting that no matter the challenge, better things are just around the corner. On the other hand, realists suffer from the “tell-it-like-it-is” and maintain that they’ll believe things will get better only when they see actual proof of that and not a minute sooner!
Putting these findings in different terms, we could say that the optimist’s ability to maintain hope in good outcomes and see the best in everything allows the person to remain in greater alignment with their inner being and therefore, behave as if all is well despite what is right here right now, attracting towards them solutions that will result in the best possible outcome. Such a solution could be an inspired thought received from their inner being, or spotting an opportunity that would create a more favorable outcome.
..the optimist’s ability to maintain hope in good outcomes and see the best in everything allows the person to remain in greater alignment with their inner being and therefore, behave as if all is well despite what is right here right now, attracting towards them solutions that will result in the best possible outcome.
So, as you go through your day, try to remember the power of your thoughts. If you attract an experience that pleases you, say, “I did that!”; and if it doesn’t, say, “I did that!”, knowing that it’s only a matter of shifting your thoughts on the subject and something more pleasing will materialize.
In short, have fun knowing that you have the power to create your world exactly as you want it and isn’t that what it’s all about for all of us…